Wednesday, July 29, 2015

There Is No Hurt That God Cannot Heal

I don’t care who you are, where you come from, or what your religious affiliation may be, if you’ve been around for any time at all, then there is one thing about you that I can tell you (even if I’ve never seen you before in my life), and that is this: “Somewhere in your ‘not too distant past’ you have been deeply wounded, and if it hasn’t happened to you yet, don’t worry, in due time, you will be!”
Perhaps you are one of the silent sufferers (who number in the millions) who were molested when you were young…
Possibly you’ve been in a long-term marriage relationship that you have worked so hard to nurture, only to find out that your spouse has been having an affair and is now ready to throw everything away…
Or perhaps you’re the teenager who just found out that you are pregnant, it was just a “one time fling” and you are wondering, "How could this possibly be happening to me?" Or maybe it’s worse…
You may be the one that just got the results of all those medical tests that you’ve been taking, and it has the word “terminal” in it…
Or nightmare of all nightmares, you could well be the soul that just got the news that all parents fear above all else (for no parent is ever supposed to outlive their child) and now suddenly your whole world has just been shattered into a thousand tiny little pieces that you cannot put back together again...
Yes, your “Wound” could be any one of these (or a million others just like them), situations that come our way and suddenly our entire world seems to disintegrate, right before our very eyes. Only when that wound that so deeply pierces us comes our way, how are we going to handle it?
I wish I could tell you that bad things do not happen to good people, but if I did, I would be telling you a lie. Because bad things happen to good people every single day; and it still rains on the just, just as much as it does on the unjust.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, concerning Satan: “THE THIEF COMETH NOT BUT FOR TO STEAL, KILL, AND TO DESTROY…” But Jesus didn’t stop there; He doesn’t leave the body of Christ helpless and without hope, for He finishes the rest of that verse by telling us this: “… I (Jesus) HAVE COME THAT YE MIGHT HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY!”
Now the question that we must address is, “Which part of this passage are we going to choose to live our lives by? When we are wounded are we going to allow ourselves to drown in our own self-pity? Are we going to live out the rest of our days as "Broken Believers" all because we have chosen to accept for ourselves a “Victim Mentality?” Are we going to allow the devil to steal from us, to destroy us, and eventually to finish us off completely?
Or, are we going to “CHOOSE” (for it is our choice you know) the promise of the latter part of that Scripture…to live our lives to their fullest and in the midst of God’s abundant blessings, and with those blessings raining down upon us continually?
Maybe you are one of God’s children who still hasn’t gotten over your own wounds yet. Could it just be that you never will...not until you begin to release towards others exactly what it is that you need God to release to you?
And could it just be that God allowed “our wounds” to come our way (not because He was trying to destroy us but...) because He loved and trusted us so?
He trusted us to deal with all that hurt and all that pain, so that “WE” just might be able to help someone else in need of the same healing process. Someone who may been wounded with the same wounds that we suffered; only they weren’t as near to God as we were, and they just don’t know how to get over their wounds…but we know how to help them, because we’ve been there before!
Even in the worse times of our live (in those times when Satan had his sights set on utterly destroying us) God in the greatness of His goodness, knew how to take the deepest wounds of our lives and turn them around to be used for His glory!
So if, right now, you’re in the midst of the darkest day of your life, you take heart oh saint of God. For the Father will not allow your suffering to be in vain. Thank the Lord that Christ still knows how to “Take what Satan sent our way for evil and to use it for ‘His’ good!” Yes, it still is always the darkest before the dawn. So you take heart my wounded friend, for soon the “SON” shall shine in your life once again!
Food for Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Cure…Fresh Fire

What will turn our nation around? One does not have to be a Bible theologian to readily take note that when it comes to the issues of morality, integrity, and godliness that America has become much like an airplane who has just had both its engines to shut down in mid flight.
Presently, our nation is spiraling wildly out of control at breakneck speed. And unless the miraculous takes place, and unless some “ONE” (that can only be God) is able to cause our nation to regain its power and re-establish its course, its doom and utter destruction are all but guaranteed. Above all else, what America needs today is: “True and Genuine Revival!”
It would be real easy for most Christians to readily blame the homosexual community (or the 5 activist Supreme Court judges) for the dilemma that our nation now finds herself in concerning the dismantling of Traditional Marriage. But let’s be totally honest here, the Church is not as pure and as innocent as she might wish to make herself out to be concerning this matter.
The dismantling of Traditional Marriage did not start in the gay community. It’s been a long time in coming, and one can trace its roots back to when men and women quit seeing marriage as a “binding covenant made before God” and began viewing it rather as a “quick claim contract” that could be broken for the slightest of infractions.
Whatever happened to “For better and for worse” and “until death do us part?” Let’s face it; divorce is just as rampant amongst those who claim to know Christ as it is amongst those who don’t know Him at all! The dismantling of Traditional Marriage has been in motion for a long time—and we, the Christian community, are as guilty as anybody else for its present demise.
We’ve allowed the feminists to convince our daughters that a woman doesn’t need a man anymore. And as concerning dads, far too many have been “MIA” for way too long. And because of so many fathers have become so disconnected from their own children (especially their sons) society has redefined the role of “True Biblical Manhood” and is rapidly succeeding in feminizing our own sons.
And just where have been the preachers who have been commissioned by God to sound the alarm and be the “Watchmen on the Walls”? Could it be that far too many are more concerned about personal prestige and job security than they are about the welfare of mankind’s eternal souls?
And then we must ask, “Where have been "the Christians" while all of this mess has been going on? Have we allowed ourselves to become so anesthetized by spiritual and political correctness until we now will accept only “Real good, feel good sermons” that are guaranteed to cause us to experience “goose bumps” and “the warm fuzzies all over” rather than allowing anyone to preach to us the “Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?”
Yea, I know these are some hard things, but it is my prayer that God will get somebody’s attention. For as tough as things may look presently in our world, we must remember: “As long as there is a God in heaven…ALL IS NOT LOST…for there is nothing going on in our world that has taken our God by surprise!”
Yes, it is true that God’s Word warns us that, “In the Last days that men will call good evil and evil good” (and we are presently seeing that all around us even as I speak). And it is also true that His Word establishes the fact that, “In the Last Days there shall be a great falling away.”
But let’s not stop there, because God’s Word also affirms to us that, “In the Last Days, (says the Lord) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh!”—Now that’s the promise of a “Last Day’s Revival” if ever I have heard of one!
God longs to revive this lethargic, anemic, 21st century Church that seems to be only hanging on by a thread, as it clings to life support. He longs to re-empower His Church in these Last Days so that when we make our departure, we will leave this world with a “BANG!”
God earnestly desires to restore His Holy Spirit power in our lives, to renew our minds in Him, all in order so that we might be empowered to live victorious for Him in the midst of a world that is without hope. And God wants to “Restore the Fires of Our Souls” and set us ablaze once more with a zealous, fervent, burning passion to “Win the Lost at Any Cost!”
It is my earnest prayer that God will help each of us to be “Kindling” willing to be used by Him as our Lord seeks to ignite this “Fresh Fire” in the midst of a lost and dying world. May Christ help each of us to spiritually prepare ourselves so that He can use “US” in becoming a part of His great, End Times Revival!
Just a Thought,
Pastor ken Jones

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Impending Disaster Ahead!

As Americans prepare to celebrate our nation’s 239th birthday this week, I cannot help but to feel a certain anxiety as to what is soon to become a part of America’s fated destiny.
This nation was originally formed, fashioned, and populated by multitudes of thousands of immigrants who fled their native homelands in Europe to come to America. And most of them that came did so seeking religious freedom.
America was seen as a “City on a Hill,” a place where men could come and worship God freely and where men could raise their offspring in the fear and admonition of the Lord without compromising their fundamental Christian beliefs.
These individuals came seeking a place of refuge without fear of a tyrannical government continually seeking to steal from them those very rights or to intimidate and/or eradicate any who would not yield to their dictatorial authority.
It was the very reason that when the Founding Fathers penned the Constitution, they made certain that the very First Amendment in the Bill of Rights would continue to guarantee such rights for Americans in every generation; it was why the Founders worded it like this:
How sad it is that in just 239 years, 5 black robed unelected officials have effectively took it upon themselves to overstep the authority of the Constitution. Individuals who have went so far as to take it upon themselves to strike down the very legal definition of marriage, the definition that God the Creator of mankind had originally wrote.
Who are these 5 black robed judges who think that they can supersede and disregard Almighty God, His Word, and the precedence of thousands of years of mankind’s history?
And while hundreds of thousands celebrated in the streets of America at the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional ruling (there is not one word mentioned in the entire constitution where marriage is defined as a constitutional right) my heart wept, as I was eye witness to the fulfillment of End Times prophecy which reminded me that, “In the Last Days they shall call good evil and evil good.”
But the thing that grieved my heart the most is that America doesn’t even realize what she is unleashing upon herself by her continued embracement of every type of sin imaginable (although this week, I believe our nation has reached an unprecedented low).
In the book of Deuteronomy (Ch. 28) God warns of what will happen to any nation who disregards His Word and His laws and chooses to embrace sin instead.
For in this passage God promises that pestilence, plagues, diseases, and natural disasters will overspread that land. He assures us that our enemies will terrorize us with death, destruction, and outright fear; and He also declares that our bountiful land will no longer produce in abundance, thus causing lack and want everywhere.
Maybe you’re reading this, and you’re saying, “But I don’t believe in the Bible.” But just because one doesn’t believe in something doesn’t necessarily make it any less true! So America Be Warned…There Is Impending Disaster Ahead! And when it comes, you just remember, embracing sin, any sin…It Always Has Unintended Consequences!
Yes, I love America. I thank God for America, and I thank God for all those individuals who have sacrificed so much so that I have been able to enjoy the privileges of freedom and liberty that this nation has afforded me.
But now, the very liberties and freedoms that we hold so near and so dear are threatened. And most especially because of our beliefs in Jesus Christ, it seems that our very “Way of life” is now in jeopardy.
But let this world take note. I am not ashamed to be called a Christian. And you may take away my freedom of speech and redefine Truth as hate speech. And you may well label me a bigot because I still continue to believe in the “Book” and I do affirm that all that it says is true.
And because I refuse to acquiesce to this world’s brand of intolerant political correctness, they may well steal from me all my earthly possessions, and their vitriol towards Christianity may so inflame them even to the taking of my very life.
Nevertheless, let it be known this day, I refuse to compromise God’s Word, not one iota of it. I refuse to accept as okay, anything that God in His Word has already condemned. Right is still what God says is right, wrong is still what God says is wrong. And yes, there is still a heaven to gain and a hell to shun and each and every one of us will be going to one or the other.
As a Believer in Jesus Christ, no matter what may come my nation’s way, I have this calm assurance that God is going to take care of me until my tour of duty is ended. But America Be Warned…There Is Impending Disaster Ahead!
National sins demand national judgment, and only sincere and national repentance will stem the tidal wave of God’s judgment and wrath that I fear is about to sweep across this land.
God, please forgive our sins which are multitudinous in number, and help us to humble ourselves before You, and to seek Your face once more…GOD, ONE MORE TIME, PLEASE SEND REVIVAL TO AMERICA!
Just a Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones

True Worshipers

If you were to ask the average person this question: “Why do you think that God has granted you life and placed you here on planet Earth?” I dare say that probably not 1in a 100 could give (or is even aware) of the correct answer.
As human beings, each and every one of us have been created for the same and exact purpose—“We were all created to Praise and Worship Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ!” Sadly, most people in our world still fail to realize that this is why God made them in the first place.
Nevertheless, God will not force anyone to worship Him; it is why He made each of us a free moral agent- giving every individual our own right to “choose” whom or what we will worship.
God also granted this same privilege to the angels. But God’s angelic praise director, Satan (then called Lucifer); he wanted all the worship for himself. It was why he led a rebellion in heaven and was cast out, taking with him a 1/3 of the angels who, believed his lies, and chose to worship him instead of God.
Throughout the ages, Satan hasn’t changed at all; he still desires all our worship and all our praise. This is why he offers mankind so many other “options” for their worship; for he knows that for them to worship anything other than the “True and Living God” in essence, it is actually worship offered to him.
Just look around us and you cannot help but notice that “All men do truly worship something.” I have also taken notice that even among those who claim that there “Is no God” you will find that, they too, still busy themselves worshiping something. For into mankind’s very DNA there is this desire to worship.
If you want to find out what a person worships, just listen to their conversations for a little while—for the words that come out of our mouths have this tendency to reveal. And they will always reveal those people, places, things, and/or ideals that hold the highest priorities in our lives…literally, “These Are the Things That We Worship!”
As human beings, we worship those things that gratify our senses (whether they be good or evil); we worship our accomplishments; and we surely don’t mind giving praise and worship to those creations that we may have fashioned with our own hands.
But we won’t stop there, for can continually be found worshiping others (sometimes even idolizing our spouses and/or our children), and we especially seem to enjoy worshiping ourselves. …But what God needs from us today are for each of us to GIVE HIM “ALL” OUR WORSHIP AND ALL OUR PRAISE!
Yes, we are all worshipers. And either we are worshiping the “True or Living God…” or else we will be found worshiping “another god…” the one that “WE” have replaced the “Real One” with.
We are all created in the likeness and the image of God. And that was done so that each of us might (willingly) be worshipers of Him! For, you see, “Our Worship” is the only tangible thing that any of us have the ability to create (in and of ourselves) and give back to God that does not represent something that He had already given to us first.
And when it comes to “US” giving God “TRUE WORSHIP” it ought to be a worship that is not contingent upon whether or not others worship Him either.
You see, “True Worship” comes from the depths of our innermost beings. “True Worship” rises above anyone else's ability to manipulate or to coerce it out of us. For “True Worship” willingly pours out from the depths of one's innermost being freely and spontaneously. And it will do so all because we are willing to allow ourselves to become “Consumed with a Passion” to immerse ourselves in God’s presence!
God please help me to always be a “True Worshiper” of You!
Just a Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones

A Special Tribute To Godly Dads

As this Father’s Day approaches, for me, it is a bitter-sweet time of remembrance, for it has been but less than a month ago that I was called home to lay my own Dad to rest.
Although my Dad was well over 80, he had been in reasonably good health; so when tragedy struck without warning, to say that I was somewhat caught “off guard” would be a mild understatement. But then again, who is ever “REALLY” prepared for the death of one that we deeply love?
Nevertheless, I was truly blessed with a Dad (that for most of my life) had exemplified what it means to live the life of a good and godly man. And it is especially with “his” memories so deeply etched into the recesses of my mind that I now pay homage to all the fathers who have set those same examples for their children.
I am a living testimony to the fact that, “No father is ever a perfect Dad” and my Father wasn’t perfect either, nor did he ever claim himself to be. But I knew that when he accepted Christ as his personal Savior, he wholeheartedly tried to live his life committed to God, putting forth a very concerted effort to also help his children to do the same.
No, I didn’t always live up to his expectations, and I’m sure that there were times that I brought sadness to his heart because of bad choices that I sometimes made. But Dad never gave up on praying for me.
My Dad may not have had a deep theological concept of all the tenants of Christianity, but when it came to setting the standard for holy living, my Dad lived the Christian life by example.
I never knew him to lie, cheat, or steal from anyone, and he expected us (my brothers and I) to live by those same standards. My Dad was a strict disciplinarian, but he was always fair. That did not mean that we always did right, but boy we sure did our best to make certain that Dad never found out if our actions ever crossed those lines. And I well understood “rewards for righteousness and punishment for evil” long before I comprehended the teachings of Scripture.
Nevertheless, how grateful I am that Dad instilled in me (even in my youth) that morality, integrity, and hard work go hand in hand with living godly. And Dad wasn’t much on “Hand Outs”… but he was all into giving those less fortunate a “Hand Up.”
As a Father myself, I hope that when the day arrives that God calls me home that my children will also be able to call me a good and a godly Dad. And to all fathers reading this letter, if ever there has been a generation that is in such dire need of fathers who will be men of integrity and honor, this is that generation.
All kids need the love of a father’s hug and they need a man to show them what “real” manhood is all about. If a man truly loves his family, he’ll see that their needs are provided, he will protect them from harm, and above all else, he will show them Jesus.
All fathers have been commissioned with the same duty, and when it comes to our children there are 2 invaluable lessons that we must make certain that our children know.
First (and foremost) Dads, we must learn to “lead by example” and show our children how to make heaven home. For of a certainty, this life (at best) is only temporary, and all of us will one day spend eternity somewhere. Without a doubt, there is a “REAL” Heaven for all to gain, and a “REAL” Hell for all to shun.
Lastly, we must also teach our children how to make a living and survive in this world when we are no longer around, for the “Law of Averages” says that most of them are still going to be here long after we are gone.
May God help each of us who are Fathers to make sure that we are living godly lives and that we are positively impacting the most precious gifts that God gives to any parent—“Our Children!”
And to the children: If are blessed to have your Dad to still be alive today, please don’t wait until it’s too late to say how thankful you are (to God) for him.
Just a Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Wall Has Been Breached

In recent days, America’s Supreme Court has taken it upon themselves to overstep their bounds of authority—using the bully pulpit of “Judicial Tyranny” not just to interpret law but to re-write law itself. But the problem (this time) with their massive judicial over-reach is that they decided that they know more about the laws that govern men than Almighty God.
So in open defiance to the Living Lord, they have effectively rejected God’s interpretation of what marriage should be and they have inserted their own perverted interpretation of God’s most sacred institution.
I am a firm Believer, (as were the Founders of this nation) that our world consists of certain Undeniable Truths, certain Inalienable Rights, and that these rights were given by God for the lasting endurance and prosperity of mankind. I further believe that “Marriage” as being defined as being “BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN as being one of them!
Now if you happen to be one of those misguided people in our world who have been duped into believing that there are no Moral Absolutes of Right and Wrong, but that in every area of life you can simply apply your own version of “Moral Relativism” and “Situational Ethics” and everything will work out just fine, then it’s evident that you have been sipping way too much of the Kool-Aid!
Rest assured, everything that any of us say or do, every decision that we will ever make, they all have consequences, and many of those consequences are inescapable, and unavoidable, no matter how warped or twisted one’s view on reality might be!
As concerning America, I believe that if we do not soon reverse course and turn back towards God instead of away from Him, I fear that we shall soon cease to exist as the great nation that we were once known to be. God has given us some very credible warning signs, and these are found written in His Word. And I do not take these lightly, for I’ve read the Book, and the warning signs of our impending demise are unmistakable!
Take, for example the passage of Scripture found in Jeremiah 39. The time is 6th century B.C. For over 700 years, Israel had enjoyed the blessings of God upon their nation. King Zedekiah now leads the nation as Babylon’s puppet king because the Babylonians have subdued the Jewish nation.
God has allowed this travesty to happen because His chosen people had rebelled against Him, accepting idolatry and all the evils associated with it (including child sacrifice as well as every manner of sexual perversion imaginable). Sadly, these same sins have become the “Accepted Norm” of our society-at-large (abortion, adultery, homosexuality, etc.).
King Zedekiah decides to rebel against his oppressors, but Jeremiah the prophet warns the king to honor the oath he had made to the Babylonians, for God will not deliver the nation because of their willful embracement of so many sins. Zedekiah refuses to heed the prophet’s warnings and Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieges the city.
For 18 months King Zedekiah is protected by Jerusalem’s fortifications, but with the passing of each day, the enemy draws nearer. Finally, in the 4th month (the month of Tammuz) on the 9th day of the month, “THE WALL IS BREACHED” and the Babylonian armies overwhelm the city. They burn it with fire, destroying the temple; carrying off much of the populace into slavery, slaying all the leaders, blinding the king and then carrying him off to die in a foreign land.
Maybe you are thinking, “Well, what does this have to do with America?” So let me tell you. On the Hebrew calendar, the date mentioned is “the 9th of Tammuz.” But if you were to translate that date to our modern day calendar, you will find that this date is June 26.
So here it is. Exactly two thousand, six hundred, and one years after the walls of Jerusalem were breached, on the 26th of June 2015, right here in America, 5 black robed, unelected Supreme Court judges made the choice for this nation to spit upon the precepts of Almighty God as they (unconstitutionally) redefined marriage. This date is just too precise for this to be a mere co-incident!
Now, I fear that because of this utter disregard for God’s Laws, America’s Walls Have Also Been Breached” and this nation is about to experience firsthand, what it is like to exist without the Hand of God’s protection to halt the judgments that are now heading our way.
We are told that because homosexuality is a civil rights issue, no one can discriminate against it. But let’s be truthful here: Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue…IT IS A SIN ISSUE! And if we will not call sin what God calls sin, even God cannot help us! America take note: “The permissive views of our current society are not sufficient grounds for denouncing Divine Law!”
The Bible is crystal clear in its condemnation of the practice of homosexuality. It describes such an immoral act in the same context as incest and bestiality. To accept any one of these sins is on the same level as accepting them all!
Because a few were offended, the Bible was taken out of our public schools…because a few were offended prayer was next removed. Because there were some women who were offended because they could not kill their babies before they were born, abortion suddenly became the law of the land…And now, marriage has been perverted and redefined so as to not offend those who lust after living a perverted lifestyle…But What Are We Going To Do About Offending God?
America be warned! One day soon God is going to say, “Enough is Enough” and judgment will most assuredly fall, for God will always uphold the precepts of His Word.
So how do we “REPAIR THE BREACH?” How do we restore the protection of God’s hand upon our land once more? … “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)…TRUE AND GENUINE REVIVAL!
Just a Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones