Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Wall Has Been Breached

In recent days, America’s Supreme Court has taken it upon themselves to overstep their bounds of authority—using the bully pulpit of “Judicial Tyranny” not just to interpret law but to re-write law itself. But the problem (this time) with their massive judicial over-reach is that they decided that they know more about the laws that govern men than Almighty God.
So in open defiance to the Living Lord, they have effectively rejected God’s interpretation of what marriage should be and they have inserted their own perverted interpretation of God’s most sacred institution.
I am a firm Believer, (as were the Founders of this nation) that our world consists of certain Undeniable Truths, certain Inalienable Rights, and that these rights were given by God for the lasting endurance and prosperity of mankind. I further believe that “Marriage” as being defined as being “BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN as being one of them!
Now if you happen to be one of those misguided people in our world who have been duped into believing that there are no Moral Absolutes of Right and Wrong, but that in every area of life you can simply apply your own version of “Moral Relativism” and “Situational Ethics” and everything will work out just fine, then it’s evident that you have been sipping way too much of the Kool-Aid!
Rest assured, everything that any of us say or do, every decision that we will ever make, they all have consequences, and many of those consequences are inescapable, and unavoidable, no matter how warped or twisted one’s view on reality might be!
As concerning America, I believe that if we do not soon reverse course and turn back towards God instead of away from Him, I fear that we shall soon cease to exist as the great nation that we were once known to be. God has given us some very credible warning signs, and these are found written in His Word. And I do not take these lightly, for I’ve read the Book, and the warning signs of our impending demise are unmistakable!
Take, for example the passage of Scripture found in Jeremiah 39. The time is 6th century B.C. For over 700 years, Israel had enjoyed the blessings of God upon their nation. King Zedekiah now leads the nation as Babylon’s puppet king because the Babylonians have subdued the Jewish nation.
God has allowed this travesty to happen because His chosen people had rebelled against Him, accepting idolatry and all the evils associated with it (including child sacrifice as well as every manner of sexual perversion imaginable). Sadly, these same sins have become the “Accepted Norm” of our society-at-large (abortion, adultery, homosexuality, etc.).
King Zedekiah decides to rebel against his oppressors, but Jeremiah the prophet warns the king to honor the oath he had made to the Babylonians, for God will not deliver the nation because of their willful embracement of so many sins. Zedekiah refuses to heed the prophet’s warnings and Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieges the city.
For 18 months King Zedekiah is protected by Jerusalem’s fortifications, but with the passing of each day, the enemy draws nearer. Finally, in the 4th month (the month of Tammuz) on the 9th day of the month, “THE WALL IS BREACHED” and the Babylonian armies overwhelm the city. They burn it with fire, destroying the temple; carrying off much of the populace into slavery, slaying all the leaders, blinding the king and then carrying him off to die in a foreign land.
Maybe you are thinking, “Well, what does this have to do with America?” So let me tell you. On the Hebrew calendar, the date mentioned is “the 9th of Tammuz.” But if you were to translate that date to our modern day calendar, you will find that this date is June 26.
So here it is. Exactly two thousand, six hundred, and one years after the walls of Jerusalem were breached, on the 26th of June 2015, right here in America, 5 black robed, unelected Supreme Court judges made the choice for this nation to spit upon the precepts of Almighty God as they (unconstitutionally) redefined marriage. This date is just too precise for this to be a mere co-incident!
Now, I fear that because of this utter disregard for God’s Laws, America’s Walls Have Also Been Breached” and this nation is about to experience firsthand, what it is like to exist without the Hand of God’s protection to halt the judgments that are now heading our way.
We are told that because homosexuality is a civil rights issue, no one can discriminate against it. But let’s be truthful here: Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue…IT IS A SIN ISSUE! And if we will not call sin what God calls sin, even God cannot help us! America take note: “The permissive views of our current society are not sufficient grounds for denouncing Divine Law!”
The Bible is crystal clear in its condemnation of the practice of homosexuality. It describes such an immoral act in the same context as incest and bestiality. To accept any one of these sins is on the same level as accepting them all!
Because a few were offended, the Bible was taken out of our public schools…because a few were offended prayer was next removed. Because there were some women who were offended because they could not kill their babies before they were born, abortion suddenly became the law of the land…And now, marriage has been perverted and redefined so as to not offend those who lust after living a perverted lifestyle…But What Are We Going To Do About Offending God?
America be warned! One day soon God is going to say, “Enough is Enough” and judgment will most assuredly fall, for God will always uphold the precepts of His Word.
So how do we “REPAIR THE BREACH?” How do we restore the protection of God’s hand upon our land once more? … “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)…TRUE AND GENUINE REVIVAL!
Just a Thought,
Pastor Ken Jones

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