What will turn our nation around? One does not have to be a Bible
theologian to readily take note that when it comes to the issues of
morality, integrity, and godliness that America has become much like an
airplane who has just had both its engines to shut down in mid flight.
Presently, our nation is spiraling wildly out of control at
breakneck speed. And unless the miraculous takes place, and unless some
“ONE” (that can only be God) is able to cause our nation to regain its
power and re-establish its course, its doom and utter destruction are
all but guaranteed. Above all else, what America needs today is: “True
and Genuine Revival!”
It would be real easy for most Christians
to readily blame the homosexual community (or the 5 activist Supreme
Court judges) for the dilemma that our nation now finds herself in
concerning the dismantling of Traditional Marriage. But let’s be
totally honest here, the Church is not as pure and as innocent as she
might wish to make herself out to be concerning this matter.
dismantling of Traditional Marriage did not start in the gay community.
It’s been a long time in coming, and one can trace its roots back to
when men and women quit seeing marriage as a “binding covenant made
before God” and began viewing it rather as a “quick claim contract” that
could be broken for the slightest of infractions.
happened to “For better and for worse” and “until death do us part?”
Let’s face it; divorce is just as rampant amongst those who claim to
know Christ as it is amongst those who don’t know Him at all! The
dismantling of Traditional Marriage has been in motion for a long
time—and we, the Christian community, are as guilty as anybody else for
its present demise.
We’ve allowed the feminists to convince our
daughters that a woman doesn’t need a man anymore. And as concerning
dads, far too many have been “MIA” for way too long. And because of so
many fathers have become so disconnected from their own children
(especially their sons) society has redefined the role of “True Biblical
Manhood” and is rapidly succeeding in feminizing our own sons.
And just where have been the preachers who have been commissioned by
God to sound the alarm and be the “Watchmen on the Walls”? Could it be
that far too many are more concerned about personal prestige and job
security than they are about the welfare of mankind’s eternal souls?
And then we must ask, “Where have been "the Christians" while all of
this mess has been going on? Have we allowed ourselves to become so
anesthetized by spiritual and political correctness until we now will
accept only “Real good, feel good sermons” that are guaranteed to cause
us to experience “goose bumps” and “the warm fuzzies all over” rather
than allowing anyone to preach to us the “Truth of the Gospel of Jesus
Yea, I know these are some hard things, but it is my
prayer that God will get somebody’s attention. For as tough as things
may look presently in our world, we must remember: “As long as there is
a God in heaven…ALL IS NOT LOST…for there is nothing going on in our
world that has taken our God by surprise!”
Yes, it is true that
God’s Word warns us that, “In the Last days that men will call good
evil and evil good” (and we are presently seeing that all around us even
as I speak). And it is also true that His Word establishes the fact
that, “In the Last Days there shall be a great falling away.”
But let’s not stop there, because God’s Word also affirms to us that,
“In the Last Days, (says the Lord) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh!”—Now that’s the promise of a “Last Day’s Revival” if ever I have
heard of one!
God longs to revive this lethargic, anemic, 21st
century Church that seems to be only hanging on by a thread, as it
clings to life support. He longs to re-empower His Church in these Last
Days so that when we make our departure, we will leave this world with a
God earnestly desires to restore His Holy Spirit
power in our lives, to renew our minds in Him, all in order so that we
might be empowered to live victorious for Him in the midst of a world
that is without hope. And God wants to “Restore the Fires of Our
Souls” and set us ablaze once more with a zealous, fervent, burning
passion to “Win the Lost at Any Cost!”
It is my earnest prayer
that God will help each of us to be “Kindling” willing to be used by Him
as our Lord seeks to ignite this “Fresh Fire” in the midst of a lost
and dying world. May Christ help each of us to spiritually prepare
ourselves so that He can use “US” in becoming a part of His great, End
Times Revival!
Just a Thought,
Pastor ken Jones
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